The NZDE Management Committee have determined the following Codes of Practice.
The showing of registered pedigree cattle is an important part of the promotion, merchandising and breeding programme of many breeders. Additionally, it is an important part of the programme of the New Zealand Dairy Event to stimulate and sustain interest in breeding registered pedigree cattle. This relates to both spectators and exhibitors. In this connection, the Management Committee of the New Zealand Dairy Event (NZDE) believes that it is in the best interests of the breeders of registered pedigree cattle to maintain a reputation of integrity and to present a wholesome and progressive image of their cattle in the show ring.
NZDE recognises that there are certain practices in the proper care and management of dairy cattle that are necessary in the course of moving dairy cattle to and between shows that is advisable to keep them in a sound, healthy condition so that they might be presented in the show ring in a natural, normal appearance and condition. Conversely, it recognises certain practices in the handling and presentation of cattle in the show ring that are unacceptable.
In keeping with the basic philosophy of the New Zealand Dairy Event, ethics are an individual responsibility of the owner of each animal shown. Violations of these policies are subject to the disciplinary action of the NZDE’s Rules.
The following practices or procedures are considered unacceptable and defined as being fraudulent and/or unethical in the showing of registered pedigree cattle.
Misrepresenting the age and/or milking status of the animal for the class in which it is entered/shown.
Treating the animal, particularly the udder, internally or externally with an irritant or counter-irritant, or;
Surgery or Insertion of foreign matter under the skin, performed to change the natural contour or appearance of the animal’s body, though not to preclude practices required or involved in normal management.
Criticising or interfering with the judge, show management or other exhibitors while in the show ring, or other conduct detrimental to the animal’s breed or the NZDE All NZ Show.
Setting teats or manipulation of a teat to alter its normal position such as to unnaturally hold it plumb or to alter its length, is unacceptable and shall be regarded as malpractice.
It will be the responsibility of All New Zealand Show judges at the NZDE to take appropriate action if any teats are set, or in any way manipulated to an unnatural position.
While all milking animals must be subject to examination, the judge/s will be instructed to closely examine the top five animals, not only for set teats but for any other form of tampering requiring discrimination or disqualification.
The following is considered to detract from the image of the show ring when carried to excess and will be given slight to serious discrimination in placing animals within a class.
This would be seen as unsportsmanlike conduct on the part of the show person.